Students across Endeavour have been participating in sessions at Horsewyse in Long Crendon, Aylesbury for a number of years and benefit from the staff’s knowledge and skills at providing and adapting activities which support them to engage in horse riding and equine learning activities.
What are the aims of Horsewyse?
To help students understand how their actions and behaviour impact on others.
To develop both individual confidence and team-working skills by undertaking horse-based challenges.
What we are working on at Endeavour:
Horsewyse links to Endeavour’s curriculum in the following ways:
Social Skills – Engagement, Taking Part, Social Interaction and Communication
Independence – Practical skills, Work experience, Community contribution, Peer interaction
Knowledge, Skills & Understanding – Fine and Gross motor skills, Processing and attention
Wellbeing – Physical development, Healthy Living, Outdoor pursuits, Developing coping strategies and Creating safe attachments
Working towards AQA Unit Awards
Rights Respecting Schools Award – engaging in these sessions links to many articles but particularly:
3) Adults must do what’s best for me (the therapy team & parents have made the decision to use these sessions as part of physio and exercise programmes)
6) I should be supported to live and grow.
23) If I have a disability, I have the right to special care and education
31) I have a right to relax and play.
Horsewyse Horsewyse CIC | Equine Assisted Therapy Centre | Long Crendon