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The Golf Trust - SEN Golf

Students across Endeavour have enjoyed their first SEN Golf session delivered by The Golf Trust.  Alongside their work with people with disabilities, older people and low socioeconomic communities this charity provides opportunities for people with autism to engage in golf sessions


What are the aims of The Golf Trust?

Increase participation - to use their specialism to make golf an accessible sport for all.

Promote Health - to inspire and empower the people they work with to lead happier and healthier lives.

Mental Health Engagement – to use golf as a tool for mental health awareness and to improve mental health

Reducing the gender gap - to bring people of all generations and communities together through golf.


What we are working on at Endeavour:

SEN Golf is a new activity and alongside the aims of The Golf Trust it also links to Endeavour’s curriculum in the following ways:

Social Skills – Engagement, Taking Part, Social Interaction and Communication

Independence – Community, Leisure & Play including Peer interaction

Knowledge, Skills & Understanding – Gross Motor Skills development which is essential for students to process to writing skills.

Wellbeing – Physical development, Healthy Living and Sports

PE Scheme of Work – Using equipment, Ball control, Hitting skills, Sporting activity which work towards AQA Unit Awards and ASDAN Sports Studies.

Rights Respecting Schools Award – engaging in these sessions links to many articles but particularly:

23) If I have a disability, I have the right to special care and education

31) I have a right to relax and play.


The Golf Trust