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Person Centred Approaches

Endeavour Academy places the child at the centre of everything we do. 

We are interested in the whole child and are committed to addressing all of pupils needs, not just academic. Our practice is about more than just pastoral support, it is an integral part of learning.

Our Child centred approach ensures that young people are fully included in all aspects of school life.

Each of our pupils is unique and our curriculum takes this into account so that they can realise their potential and feel valued.

Child Centred Planning (or person centred planning)


We use person centred tools as a way to get to know and understand each pupil, their learning style, likes and preferences, strengths and needs, and to ensure that they are supported in the way that makes sense for them.

The approaches we use rely on our listening to the young people and their families to get things right for them. We build in ways to review how things are going and encourage open communication with young people and their families.


Check out this video