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Occupational Therapy

Every child and young person has opportunity to access Occupational Therapy (OT) as part of their curriculum.

Endeavour Academy has a full time Occupational Therapist, a part time Senior Occupational Therapist and a part time Occupational Therapy Assistant who work together in order to provide programmes of support for Endeavour pupils. Those programmes enable our pupils to learn strategies to be at the calm/alert state in which they can be at their best to learn. Children and Young People with autism have a range of difficulties that impact on their participation in activities at home, at school and in the community. These difficulties can include sensory processing and motor skills. 

Occupational Therapy can support children and young people with autism to participate in activities more independently. This may be done by adapting the task or the environment or by using specific activities to improve the difficulties experienced. OTs also work with school staff and parents so that they can join in with the same programme and help their children to achieve independence. 

The OTs also regularly link and work alongside the NHS, Social Care and Housing OT colleges to gain the best outcomes for our students.

Examples of Occupational Therapy at Endeavour include:

  • Modulating arousal levels
  • Managing anxiety
  • Managing sensory seeking/avoiding behaviours
  • Planning and organisation
  • Increasing attention span
  • Increasing time spent sitting for activities
  • Taking part in a wider range of school activities
  • Eating and drinking (increasing tolerance of new foods; using cutlery and cups)
  • Self-care skills (washing, brushing teeth, brushing hair, dressing, using toilet)
  • Accessing the community through school outings and visits.D
  • Developing handwriting

Further Resources

Guide for parents and carers from Falkirk Council - Making Sense of Sensory Behaviours. 

Example of a Sensory Ladder - used by the Occupational Therapist at Endeavour Academy

This video explains Sensory Processing Disorders from a child's point of view