Careers and Work Related Learning
Endeavour Academy Career Lead
Amanda Whatley
Contact details
Telephone number: 01865 767 766
Email address:
Helping to prepare our young people for work
Endeavour Academy offers a wide range of activities to help prepare our students effectively for adulthood, working life and life beyond Endeavour. We provide our students with a range of interesting, exciting and stimulating experiences that will allow us to concentrate on the core skills of communication, independence and emotional development. Endeavour Academy offers work experience both internally and externally. Internal work experience opportunities include (but are not limited to), office jobs, horticulture, maintenance and preparing and serving food. External work experience opportunities currently include access to local farms.
As part of our holistic and personalised curriculum our students follow a career pathway. The pathway choice is guided by the students and their parents in conjunction with school staff. Students have the opportunity to follow more than one pathway. The pathways are based on a range of activities including some from the Talentino programme.
Careers education, information, advice and guidance at Endeavour Academy can also be explained through reading our policy which can be found in the 'Essential Information' section, Endeavour Careers Policy Statement here.
Community Involvement
Our aim at Endeavour Academy is to help our students to understand and join in with the community around them as much as they possibly can. At the same time, we want to promote a greater understanding of autism in our wider community.
We provide as much of our curriculum outside the Academy as possible so that our students learn how to adapt what they learn inside school to the outside world. This helps students to cope with real life experiences and get a sense of belonging to a wider community.
Measuring the impact of the Careers Curriculum
The school is using the ‘Compass Plus evaluation tool’ to assess ongoing progress in relation to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
The school has a Careers Plan in place to track progress in relation to this year's priorities and the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
The ‘Careers Plan’ is reviewed termly.
Progress towards the individual student pathways is reviewed 3 times per year during the Learning Intention meetings.
By evaluating our destination data, we can review whether the careers programme and guidance is effective in preparing our pupils for further education at an appropriate college after Endeavour Academy.
The provider access statement can be found in the “Essential Information” section here.
Colleges and training providers can have access to students to discuss non academic routes available to them (Baker Clause).